Scholarships/Grants/Awards (selection)

 2024: Leibniz-Cambridge Museum and Collection Fellowship.

2023: Percy Dawson Medal, awarded by the Antiquarian Horological Society.

2022: Scientific Instrument Society Research Grant. 

2021: Eisenbibliothek (Switzerland), Scholar in Residence Fellowship. 

2019: Leibniz-Cambridge Museum and Collection Fellowship. 

2016: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Postdoctoral Research Grant (2016-2021). 

2004: Design History Society 25th Anniversary Research Award. 

2002–2003: Greek State Scholarships’ Foundation (I.K.Y.), Postdoctoral Research Grant. 

1989–1991: Greek Organisation of Small and Medium Size Industries and Handicrafts (Ε.Ο.Μ.Μ.Ε.Χ.), Postgraduate Study Fellowship.