My new book (published August 2024)

This book analyses aspects of the material culture of early modern Greece from an object-based perspective, using surviving artefacts from that period as primary sources.

A printed book, a wine jug, an ecclesiastical embroidery, and a pocket watch are used as entry points to examine the consumer practices of the emerging Greek bourgeoisie under Ottoman rule in the long eighteenth century. The acquisition and usage of novel products – especially imported ones – by Greeks was connected to personal expression, identity building, and self-determination in the context of the Enlightenment. The enjoyment of innovative artefacts opened new horizons to them and facilitated their individual and collective empowerment. The originality of the book lies in its eclectic and interdisciplinary approach towards early modern Greek material culture, an under-researched topic. The study is embedded within contemporary discourses on transnational trade, the materiality of everyday life, pleasurable consumption, and the negotiation of identities.

This volume will appeal to students and scholars of early modern and modern Greek history, Ottoman history, European history, material culture, history of technology, museum studies, and cultural heritage studies, as well as museum professionals, collectors, and the wider educated public.

Table of Contents


1. A printed book from Venice: Reading and imagining 

2. A wine jug from Pesaro: Drinking and connecting 

3. A religious embroidery from Vienna: Believing and expressing 

4. A pocket watch from England: Telling the time and experimenting 

5. Creating new horizons

Historian of science Patricia Fara describes the book as ‘an innovative experiment in historical methodology’ and ‘clearly the result of prolonged labour and great expertise’. Book review published in the journal Antiquarian Horology, vol. 45, issue 4, December 2024, 555–556.